Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Are Millennial's the Anti Family Generation?

In this day in age, it seems as Millennial's are waiting longer and longer to get married, settled down and start a family. The older generations seems to be in awe of these decisions, however in todays crazy world, who would want to bring an innocent child to it? With random shootings happening all around us, the fear of war, and all the terror that surrounds us, I would't want to expose an innocent child to this. It seems like most Millennial's are in tune with this. They rather focus on themselves, their wants, their needs, and their careers rather than in a relationship that will more than likely not last.

I for one can say that I am no where near wanting a family. I did at one point, but not anymore. When I was in my last relationship, I saw a future with my partner, a family and marriage were what I once wanted. Now having been single for over a year, I can honestly say that is the furthest thing from my mind. I am now more focused on my career and my personal goals as well as establishing travel plans in the near future. At this point in my life, the focus is on me and what I want to create in my life. I love that I have no one to worry about but myself and my dogs. I will admit, I do feel like they hold me down in a way sometimes because I can't take them everywhere, but at least they aren't actual children. I do not feel the pressure of society to get married and have a child because to me, those things just don't matter to me anymore. I would much rather live a happy life without regrets. I already have God Children and little Niece's and Nephew's if I ever feel baby fever or the need to spoil the young, I know who to turn to.

How do you feel about Millennial's waiting longer and longer to settle down?

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